Living trees and plants are important, necessary and valuable to our very existence

Did you know that trees are an important component of the natural landscape and play an important role in producing oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? In celebration of Arbor Day and Earth Day, the team members at Clow Valve Corona (located on Magnolia Avenue) rolled up their sleeves and planted three magnolia trees, 110 hedges, five rose bushes and various flowering plants around the facility.  Even family members and retirees were invited to join the fun.  The children made crafts from discarded trash including bird feeders out of cardboard rolls and flower planters out of plastic bottles.

Participants were treated to a BBQ lunch and played TRENGO (a tree-fact version of BINGO) to learn about all the benefits derived from trees.  All of the team members pitched in to make the event successful and learned that even though they planted over 100 plants, with teamwork many hands make light work.